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Representatives of this site ("service") are not responsible for any content created by users and for accounts. The submissions express only the opinions of their authors. The service is only available to users whose age is at least 13 years old. If You are less years old than the above, please do not register on this site. By registering in our service, you confirm that you have reached the specified age or your age is more than specified. 1.1 You are obligated not to use profanity in the text of messages created by login, etc. 1.2 Any advertising (in comments, server descriptions) is prohibited. 1.3 Flud or mass cloning of messages is prohibited. 1.4 An e-mail and a registration password are used as a login. Only registered users can comment. 1.6 It is forbidden to write messages only in capital letters, to insult users or administrators. If you do not follow the rules of use of comments, the user bans without warning. Privacy and information protection Seller has the right to use "cookies" technology. Cookies do not contain sensitive information. The visitor/user/buyer hereby consents to the collection, analysis and use of cookies, including by third parties for the purpose of generating statistics and optimizing advertising messages. The seller receives information about the ip address of the site visitor This information is not used to identify the visitor. The seller is not responsible for the information provided by the User/Buyer on the Site in a public form. All the content you add, download, or otherwise provide to the service can be reviewed by the project team. All content you add or download can be sent to third-party verification services (including, among other things, spam prevention services). Don't add content you think is personal or private. You agree not to use this site to send or share any content that is defamatory, offensive, hateful, threatening, spamming or similar. Content that may be offensive, have adult material or other undesirable content, contain personal information about others, risk copyright infringement, encourage illegal activity, or otherwise violate any laws. You are fully responsible for the content and any harm caused by it or your behavior. We may delete or modify any content added at any time, with or without cause, with or without a notification. Requests to delete or modify content will only be considered at our request. We may deny you access to all or any of the parts of our service at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice. You grant us a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable and unlimited right to use, publish, or re-publish your content within the service. You retain the copyright to the content. These conditions can be changed at any time without notice. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not register or use our service. Using this service means accepting these conditions. If you want to close your account, please contact us Refund The requirement to repay the amount of money paid for the service with the reason for the termination of the Treaty should be sent in the form of an e-mail letter: The requirement to refund the amount of money paid for the service, if it is legitimate, is to be satisfied within 10 days of the receipt of the claim by our employees. The refund is made in the same way that the payment was made. In all that is not specified above, we reserve the right to follow the legislation of the Russian Federation and the generally accepted rules of providing services using the Internet without further notice.
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